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Year 3 and 4 spend the day at Butser Ancient Farm

Liza Askew / Categories: General

Year 3 and 4 spend the day at Butser Ancient Farm

Last Monday, 16th September, Year 3 and 4 ventured to Butser Ancient Farm to consider and experience how life would have been in Stone Age and Iron Age times. They began the day with a time walk, where they considered change and continuity, in and between these periods, looking at aspects such as housing and early technological advancements. This was followed by an archeological dig to uncover clues about the past. In the afternoon, the children took part in a series of activities which enabled them to try out some ancient skills first-hand. They learnt to make a wall of a Round House by developing practical knowledge of wattling and clunching. They were very excited to know they had contributed to a new Celtic structure that would be able to be seen on future visits. They successfully created Cordage (string), from natural material- a resource that was very important to  people in both these times. During the day, they also paid a visit to the Roman villa to see how history advanced after the Iron Age.  

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