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year 2 Trip to Knole House

Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Knole House today as part of their Stuarts topic. They explored the house, parkland, artefacts and costumes. Don’t they look fantastic?

year 2 Trip to Knole House


Ukraine Appeal

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our families who have donated so much for our Ukraine appeal. Thank you so much. Thank you too to the pupils in Years 5 and 6 who helped sort all the donations into categories this afternoon and load up the vans. Well done to Mrs Viner for getting us involved in this extremely worthwhile project.

Ukraine Appeal


Year 4 Class Assembly

Well done to Year 4 for a fantastic Shakespeare assembly this morning. So wonderful to see you all performing with such confidence and humour. We really enjoyed watching it and It was lovely to have so many parents here too!

Year 4 Class Assembly


Shakespeare Festival

Day 2 of our 3-day Shakespeare Festival and it really came alive today with a fantastic array of costumes and dressing up for our Shakespeare themed World Book Day! From Juliet to Richard III, Cleopatra to Puck, Titania to Shakespeare himself, there was an amazing collection of characters. Thank you to everyone for making such a brilliant effort.

The children have been exploring all things Shakespeare; finding out about his life, his writing and the history of The Globe theatre. They have performed lines from his plays and explored A Midsummer Night's Dream in detail, in preparation for performances in the forest. They have insulted each other in Shakespearian language - they possible enjoyed that most of all - and explored some of Shakespeare's forgotten words. There have been sessions in Pre-Prep on Will's Wellbeing and and even Fantasy Football for Prep pupils.

Day 3 involves workshops, a Midsummer Night’s Dream Forest School and a Shakespeare assembly from Year 4. What a fantastic festival!

Shakespeare Festival


World Book Day in Nursery

World Book Day in Nursery. Everyone has dressed up and is looking fantastic!

World Book Day in Nursery


Book Swap

Thank you so much to our parent body (FOSI) for organising a brilliant book swap today. All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 went home with new books to read - a fantastic way to recycle and get everyone reading!

Book Swap


Shrove Tuesday

Lots of smiley faces at lunch today as we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with delicious pancakes. It’s quite apparent from the photos which topping was the favourite! Thank you Chef Fernando and the team for spoiling us all.

Shrove Tuesday


Spring Lambs Come to Visit Us!

A Show and Tell with a difference! Today one of our Year 4 pupils brought in some lambs that her family have adopted. The children had a wonderful time meeting, cuddling and feeding them. What a fabulous treat!

Spring Lambs Come to Visit Us!


Nursery Number Hunt

This week in Nursery we have been learning about numbers. We started the week by going on a number hunt around the school. We chatted about how we use numbers in our day-to-day life. The children made birthday cards for their toys using numbers to show how old they are. They also made birthday cakes with the playdough adding the correct number of candles. We looked at number books together and sang lots of number songs. When playing in the garden, we jumped in numbered hoops and went on a hunt to find different amounts of sticks or stones. Learning about numbers is great fun!

Nursery Number Hunt


IAPS Netball

Congratulations to these super stars who’ve just come third in the IAPS Netball competition at Framlingham Prep School in Suffolk. Fantastic teamwork throughout and excellent display of grit and determination. Well done girls. We’re so proud of you all!

IAPS Netball



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