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Year 5 Science

In Science, Year 5 have been learning about light and shadows.  This week they investigated their own questions about shadows.  They came up with their own questions and carefully planned how they were going to make sure that their investigations were fair.  Mrs Butterfield was really impressed by the teamwork the children demonstrated when carrying out their investigations, since they needed to help each other even though they each had their own method they were following. Great work Year 5!

Year 5 Science


Year 6 Science

Year 6 had a fantastic Science lesson this morning. After revising the topic of forces, the children spent the morning applying their knowledge to rocket balloons! They were given a 5 minute window to make a simple rocket using a balloon. Following testing their initial creations, they were given the challenge of improving their design. They took into consideration friction between the rocket body and the string, and air resistance amongst other things. They experimented with different shaped balloons, different length and diameter of rocket bodies and they trialled different release techniques. Some were very successful and others not so much, but the children learnt so much and had great fun in the process!


Year 6 Science


A Musical Day for Years 4 and 5

Years 4 and 5 enjoyed a fabulous day of Music yesterday.  The children started their day performing their Music Assembly in front of their parents and performed beautifully, with such confidence.  They were then scooped up and taken to G Live for a concert featuring Southern Pro Musica conducted by Jonathan Willcocks and Neil Henry as the magician and compere.  The concert featured music by Rossini, Haydn and Piazzola with a story about The Theatre Ghost using the many instruments to represent the sounds.  The orchestra was introduced and we heard each section play separately then altogether which sounded amazing.  The highlight was the Offenbach Can-Can in which our very own Mr Collinson took part.  The morning finished off with the audience singing It’s an Ark in two parts accompanied by the orchestra and we all sang very loudly!

A Musical Day for Years 4 and 5


Project Goblin

Year 6 have made an excellent start to this term's Project Goblin club, busily working this week on one of the two chassis in our possession.  Chassis 'A' was the focus of their attention and the team broke into smaller groups to work on adjusting the steering arms, attaching the rear axle and beginning the exciting task of routing the wiring for the accelerator from the steering wheel towards where the motor will be housed at the rear of the car.  They also worked on the braking system (also attached to the steering wheel). Lots of progress in a short amount of time this week.  Well done team!

Project Goblin


Forest School

In Forest School, pupils are concentrating on birds at the moment, ahead of the RSPB's Big Schools Bird Watch 2024 later this month.  Pupils enjoyed lying down and watching the sky to see what birds we have in our grounds and were lucky enough to see a Kite circling overhead.  Reception class worked together to make bird feeders out of apples, sunflower seeds, sticks and string, which they then hung in the trees.  They were so excited to see them hanging there, waiting for the birds to enjoy!

Forest School


Hockey Club Starts

A brilliant start to Hockey Club by Years 4 and 5 yesterday.  Pupils loved playing quick competitive games against each other to practise their skills and keep warm in the setting sun.

Hockey Club Starts


Nursery Enjoying the Winter Sun

Who's enjoying this glorious Winter sunshine?  Our Nursery children are, judging by these gorgeous smiley faces at play time today!  Hurrah for no rain!

Nursery Enjoying the Winter Sun


Tennis is Thriving at St Ives

Some regard tennis as a Summer sport.  Not us at St Ives!  We play all year round and love doing so.  In fact, tennis here is so popular that 85% of school pupils have weekly lessons, led by our wonderful resident coach, Julia Bowker.  Thank you Julia - your passion and talent for tennis is rubbing off on all of us!

Tennis is Thriving at St Ives


Year 1 and 2 Science

The Pre-Prep department has got off to a cracking start this term - Year 1 had an 'eggcellent' Science lesson, looking at eggs for their new topic 'Out of Eggs'. The children studied the eggs appearance outside before cracking them and noticing how different they are inside. Year 2 also started a new Science topic, exploring plants. They set up an experiment to investigate what plants need in order to grow. They also planted their own seeds to kick off the '2024 Bean Growing Contest'!

Year 1 and 2 Science


Reindeer Run in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell

What a beautiful morning for our annual Reindeer Run in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell.  Donning our festive headgear, we braved our slippery slopes and muddy paths and loved our jaunt around the grounds in the rarely-seen-recently Winter sun.  A perfect way to finish off a busy term and to wish everyone in our community a very Happy Christmas!

Reindeer Run in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell



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