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Move Up Morning

It’s Move Up Morning today, where our pupils spend the day experiencing the new classes they’ll be in from September. For our Nursery children moving into Reception, and children coming in from other nurseries, it is all quite familiar as they have been enjoying ‘Reception Readiness’ sessions every Thursday for the last 5 weeks, ensuring they are more than ready for ‘big school!’

Move Up Morning



It’s a wrap! An amazing two nights of our school production Bugsy. Well done to all the children from Years 3-6, you were brilliant! You performed with such poise and confidence and your American accents were fabulous! Thank you so much to Mrs Lipscombe, Mrs Owen and Mrs Maxwell and to all the parents who helped source (and make!) the costumes and helped backstage with make-up. Children, you’ve set the bar very high for next year!



The Children's Book Project

We’re working with The Haslemere Book Shop and The Children's Book Project to gather as many pre-loved and unwanted books as possible so we can redistribute them to children who don’t have books at home. St Ives School will be collecting the books from the Haslemere Book Shop and passing them onto the Children’s Book Project to redistribute to the children who need them most. The Children's Book Project seeks to tackle book poverty and give every child the opportunity to own their own book. Let’s help them make a difference!

The Children's Book Project


Pre-Prep Sports Day

It was the Pre-Prep Department’s turn for Sports Day today and what a brilliant morning they had! They ran, they jumped, they bounced, they balanced, they threw and they relayed. They competed in their houses, using all the skills they’ve acquired in athletics this term and did themselves proud. They finished off their energetic morning joining their mummies and daddies for picnics on the lawn. Well done Yellow House for being the winners!

Pre-Prep Sports Day


Prep Sports Day

What an afternoon for our Prep Sports Day! With the parents allowed back on site, enjoying picnics on the lawn, the 4 houses were more determined than ever to battle it out! Well done to Yellow House for being victorious!

Prep Sports Day


Reception Trip to Marwell Zoo

Reception had a wonderful time at Marwell Zoo on Monday. The children loved learning about the different types of zebras, why giraffes are so tall & meeting the lemurs & white rhinos. They also loved the rainforest workshop. It was a wonderful way to finish off our topic, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ & we were very proud at how beautifully the children behaved all day!

Reception Trip to Marwell Zoo


Nursery Sports Day

Today our Ducks in Nursery had their Sports Day! After weeks of practice, they were raring to go and couldn't wait to show their Mummies and Daddies all their newly acquired skills. Not so long ago, these children were learning to walk and now they are running, hurdling and relay racing. With a few fun events thrown into the mix, such as the bean bag race, wheel-barrow race and bucket and spade race, it proved to be a glorious morning of athletics. Thank you to all of the families who supported on the sidelines and to those who of you brave enough to run in the parents' race!

Nursery Sports Day


FOSI Party

Thanks so much to FOSI (Friends of St Ives) for organising such a fantastic BBQ today. Lots of games and bouncy castles for the children to enjoy, as well as face painting and live music and wonderful to see so many families enjoying themselves. Special thanks to Provenance Butchers for providing the most delicious burgers and sausages!

FOSI Party


years 5 and 6 Trip to London

A few photos from the trip to London for Years 5 and 6. Pupils spent the day visiting Shakespeare’s Globe and the Tate Modern. They enjoyed a tour around the Globe and loved watching the finishing touches being made to the set and watching the actors warm up. They enjoyed lunch in the sunshine and spent the afternoon in the Tate Modern being inspired by all the exhibits.

years 5 and 6 Trip to London



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