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Sports Day Practise

In the glorious sunshine during PE today, Year 2 got down to the serious business of Sports Day practise. The skills involved in the egg & spoon race,, the sack race & the three-legged race especially are not to be underestimated. Scattered amongst moments of intense concentration, were many giggles! Everyone is getting very excited.

Sports Day Practise


Litter Picking in Haslemere

After being given some litter pickers by FOSI (our parent body) last term, the Eco-Monitors were keen to put them to good use, so they decided to help the local community by clearing the area around Lion Green.  The Eco Monitors quickly filled bin bags with a range of items.  The children were impressed with how better the areas looked after their efforts and commented how good it felt to have made such a difference.  Well done, Eco Monitors!

Litter Picking in Haslemere


Forest School

The children had a great morning back in the forest on Friday and loved exploring.  All year groups incorporated different skills in their forest school lessons - creativity and art, technology and listening and navigating.  Well done everyone!

Forest School


Visit to the Cenotaph for St George's Day

Our Heads of Houses had the honour of attending the Wreath Laying Ceremony and Cadet's Parade at the Cenotaph, Whitehall, London as part of the St George's Day celebrations, remembering all those who have served our country.  They also attended the service that followed in Westminster Abbey.  It was a very special day and one they will remember for many years.

Visit to the Cenotaph for St George's Day


Update on our Fostered Lambs

We were delighted to hear that Pompom and Daisy, the lambs we fostered last term, have settled back in to farm life with their mother & sister!

Update on our Fostered Lambs


Year 3 Science

A really fun way to enhance the children's understanding of classification in Science for Year 3 by playing a game where they had to ask yes/no questions to guess which animals they were.  They had great fun guessing with some questions making them roar with laughter.  They then used their new question asking skills to write their own questions for classification keys.  They found it tricky but rose to the challenge and learnt so much in the process.  Well done children!

Year 3 Science


Happiness at Break Time

Sunny break times...... we've been patient and now they're here!  Happy start to the Summer Term!


Sponsored Bunny Hop in Nursery

Well done to our littlest bunnies for completing their Bunny Hop around the Nursery garden yesterday.  Boing! Boing!  Happy Easter everyone!

Sponsored Bunny Hop in Nursery


Project Goblin Update

An exciting week for Project Goblin as the seats and roll bars have been put together and seatbelts attached.  Once this was done, we were able to have drivers sitting in the cars!  The final challenges are approaching after the Easter holidays - solving a real axle issue and fitting the motor and batteries.  Very exciting!

Project Goblin Update


UniHoc in PE

Year 2 started playing UniHoc this week. Mrs Woodward demonstrated how to hold the stick for fast running & then changing hand position for dribbling. The children then practised dribbling at speed whilst keeping control & remembering to move their feet around the ball. A brilliant start Year 2!

UniHoc in PE



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