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Year 5 Assembly

A fantastic performance from Year 5 in their class assembly. The children acted out a play based on Kieran Larwood's book 'The Legend of Podkin One-Ear' and the children had written the entire script themselves. Year 5 explained that the book, a classic story of the battle between good and evil, is an allegory for climate change through an interview with our 'Kieran Larwood', scenes from the book and a finale explaining what we can all do to solve the problem. The children did an outstanding job, despite limited rehearsal time and delivered their lines beautifully and thoughtfully. We would like to thank Year 5 adults for coming along and to all those who helped the children with their costumes - they were wonderful!

Year 5 Assembly


Nature Walk for Year 3

Year 3 went on an extended walk of the grounds this week. We enjoyed stepping over the boundary & into the neighbouring land, heading towards Swan Barn Farm. The children were amazed at how beautiful our local area is.

Nature Walk for Year 3


Year 1 Trip to Brooklands Museum

Year 1 had an exciting day at Brooklands Museum today, kicking off their new topic on the history of flight. The children had lots of fun going on the planes and learning about the evolution of flying. They also loved their tour of Concorde! 

Year 1 Trip to Brooklands Museum


Toddler Tuesday

A perfect way to finish a year of Toddler Tuesdays by spending the morning in the shade of the forest making nature crowns & enjoying nature! Thank you so much to all the families who joined us this morning & we look forward to seeing you again in Septembe

Toddler Tuesday


Year 6 Luncheon

Our Year 6 pupils have been very busy preparing for their luncheon today. They've invited lots of special guests - Head Teachers of their Senior Schools, our Governors, The Mayor of Haslemere and our wonderful parent body, FOSI. The children had to plan and budget for the menu, shop for ingredients, cook the food and lay the tables, including flower arranging the table displays. They've really enjoyed the challenge and have learnt so much from the process. The guests are on their way!

Year 6 Luncheon


The School Travel Awards

A wonderful afternoon at the School Travel Awards 2023 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel yesterday, where Miss Smith and Mrs Goldsworthy celebrated St Ives being a finalist amongst only 5 other schools in the country for the ‘My Best School Trip Award’. This is a wonderful and well-earned achievement. Thank you to Miss Smith who not only organised the trip, but also wrote the entry for the award, acknowledging that school trips are a huge team effort, with lots of organisation and research to give the children the best possible experiences. To quote Miss Smith: “school trips are an integral part of life at St Ives, both academically and pastorally and we are so proud of our learning outside the classroom that benefits every child from Nursery to Year 6”.

Congratulations to Langdale Primary, Ambleside, Cumbria for its space trip to Liverpool. Your trip sounded wonderful and your win is very well deserved!

The School Travel Awards


World Ocean Day

Yesterday afternoon, for World Ocean Day, the whole school spent the afternoon learning about water wastage and ocean pollution and how we can play our role in preserving our oceans. Pupils learnt how inland plastics reach our oceans, created Blue Haikus, enjoyed a quiz on plastic and the whole school gathered together to transfer a huge bucket of water from one full bucket to an empty one, using individual cups & passing the water between them without spilling any in order to get the children thinking about how careful we need to be with this precious resource. It was a fantastic activity and was wonderful to each how children of different ages worked so well and so carefully together to ensure the water was safe in their care. Well done everyone and thank you World Ocean Day for helping us play our part in making a difference in our planet's future.

World Ocean Day


Year 3 STEM

Last week in STEM, the Year 3s were tasked with a challenge to build a tower using spaghetti and marshmallows. The children were divided into teams and were given two minutes to discuss ideas before starting on the build. They were then given 10 minutes to construct their towers. They then had time to review and adjust where necessary. We were unanimous in deciding which team had made the tallest tower and learnt it was due to their tower's solid, square base and the sturdy horizontal and vertical supports. Excellent teamwork Year 3!

Year 3 STEM


School Travel Awards

We are thrilled to announce we're a finalist for the 'My Best School Trip' Awards at the School Travel Awards 2023 for our trip to Powys in Wales last year. We are so proud of the superb extracurricular opportunities we offer here & it is wonderful to have them recognised! All of our trips, whether they are residential trips, day trips or short off-site experiences are extremely well researched & organised for the benefits of our children from Nursery to Year 6 who gain so much from learning outside the classroom.

School Travel Awards


Sports Festival Swimming

As part of our Sports Festival this week, during Swimming lessons, pupils were given the option of taking part in a brilliant Mermaid workshop where the children learnt to swim using fins, with huge success. Thank you so much to Abbie at Splash Active - the children loved it!

Sports Festival Swimming



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