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Wellbeing Club Decorate Christmas Tree

There can't be many things better for your wellbeing than decorating a Christmas tree, as our Wellbeing Club found out this week.  It was lovely and relaxing, leaving us all feeling very Christmassy.  Once the tree was finished, we enjoyed a guided meditation about creating a tree house.  Whilst we listened to the meditation, we all drew our own dream tree house.  What a positive end to this wonderful After School Club.

Wellbeing Club Decorate Christmas Tree


St Ives Decorates The Coppa Club Christmas Windows

Thank you to the Coppa Club for allowing us to decorate their Christmas windows. Every child from Years 3-6 has loved taking part in this exciting project and we're delighted to see how pretty they look by day and night. We really look forward to welcoming our parents and pupils at the Coppa Club on Thursday afternoon between 4 & 5.30pm where they can admire the pupils' work and enjoy some mulled wine and hot chocolate. Thank you too to The Haslemere Parish for coming up with the idea for this wonderful festive community initiative.

St Ives Decorates The Coppa Club Christmas Windows


Year 5 Geography

In Geography, Year 5 have been learning about how mountains are formed.  As part of this, they learnt about volcanoes in class and drew on their knowledge from their Natural History Museum workshop from a few weeks ago too.  This week they enjoyed constructing a volcano and then making it explode to see how volcanoes erupt and build up over time.

Year 5 Geography


Project Goblin

A very special thank you to Wayne Robertson from B and C Coachworks in Haslemere for helping us kick start our Greenpower project, by painting our Goblin G2 cars in our distinctive St Ives blue, which Wayne cleverly colour matched to our school tie!  We are thrilled with the results and the children are loving this exciting project.

Greenpower 'Goblin' cars arrive in kit form, but once built, are fully-functioning, electrically-powered racing cars!  The children are building the cars in the coming months, learning about mechanics, electrics, car control, design and livery.  At the end of the project, the children will be taking the cars to the Greenpower competition day at Goodwood, giving them the chance to test their mettle against other children in other schools in the area in a series of different racing challenges. We can't wait to get involved.

Project Goblin


Year 5 Science

In Science, Year 5 have been learning about electricity.  Having made circuits with various different components over the last couple of weeks, today they investigated how voltage effects the components in their circuits.  They gradually and carefully increased the voltage in their circuits and observed what happened to the brightness of the bulb, the volume of the buzzer and the speed of the motor.  Great investigating Year 5!

Year 5 Science


Nursery Learn About Diwali

Last week the children in Nursery learnt all about Diwali and why it is called the Festival of Light.  They designed and made their own Rangoli patterns, created firework pictures and their very own Diya oil lamps using clay.  Well done Nursery! 

Nursery Learn About Diwali


Reception Music

In Music this week, Reception children continued their work with percussion instruments and listening to the beat and timing of a piece of music.  The lesson started with Jingle Bells, which the children loved and sang along to.  They then split into two groups, one with bells and one with claves.  They listened to the music, following the beat and watched for when Mrs Maxwell raised her hand to signal for them to stop and start.  They listened to Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and were feeling very festive by the end of the lesson!

Reception Music


Surrey Fire and Rescue Visit Reception

What an exciting morning for Reception!  Surrey Fire and Rescue came to visit as part of their topic 'People Who Help Us'.  The children learnt about the different jobs the fire service does, the uniforms they wear and then learnt all about the fire engine and the different ladders, hoses, cutting equipment and trauma kits they keep on board.  But the best bit was definitely when the children helped spray the hose - the water came out so quickly.  It was such good fun!  The children also loved the sound of the siren when the fire engine left the school.  Thank you Surrey Fire and Rescue for such an exciting and informative morning.

Surrey Fire and Rescue Visit Reception


The Royal Society of St George Pays Us a Visit

We were delighted to welcome Nick Hinchcliffe, Honorary Chairman of the Haslemere branch of the Royal Society of St. George, to assembly on Monday.  Alongside FOSI (The Friends of St Ives), The Royal Society of St George have been instrumental in helping us to raise the necessary funds to purchase two Greenpower Goblin G2 fully electric racing cars.  Nick visited to see the progress the children have made and to present a beautiful framed certificate, commemorating the generous donation from the Haslemere branch, which was matched by the central branch of the Royal Society.  We look forward to Nick attending one of the After School Club sessions to see the children build the cars.

The Royal Society of St George Pays Us a Visit


Year 3 Forest School

What a beautiful morning for Forest School! Year 3 spent this morning considering the question 'What lives in the forest?' The children thought about what living meant & challenged each other to think of as many examples as they could. We walked through the forest, looking for the living things we had talked about as well as clues & signs of other living things we might not see, such as rabbit holes & badger setts. Great work Year 3!

Year 3 Forest School



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