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First Week of Forest School

What varied weather in Forest School last week.  Whilst Year 2 tidied up the forest, desperately hoping for snow, but only receiving a flutter, Reception felt like they were in Narnia and had great fun tracking animal footprints in the snow!

First Week of Forest School


Indoor Hockey

Not even a frozen pitch can stop us practising our Hockey skills.  Years 3 and 4 took the game indoors today, focusing on reversing our stick and changing direction.  Things grew hotter as we finished with some competitive mini games.  Well done on a great start to the hockey season.  Looking forward to testing out our skills against other schools when matches start.

Indoor Hockey


St Ives in the Snow

A beautiful snowy morning here today!  It's as if the weather is as excited about the announcement of this year's school production of Frozen the Musical as our Year 6 pupils and is giving us inspiration for our set design!

St Ives in the Snow


Twinkly Nativity

A gorgeous performance of the Twinkly Nativity by Nursery. A complete joy to see all the children having so much fun!

Twinkly Nativity


Speech and Drama Showcase

What a wonderful evening watching the children perform at our Speech and Drama Showcase on Wednesday. You were all so confident, so energetic and so hilariously funny!  We loved watching you come alive on stage.  Thank you Katie Nicholls for working your magic, as always.

Speech and Drama Showcase


Henry Adams Christmas Decoration Competition

We've had some amazing entries for the Henry Adams Christmas decoration competition with pupils being so imaginative in the way they've used recycled materials. Thank you to Henry Adams for getting us involved and we look forward to welcoming you back at St Ives tomorrow for the judging. Best of luck everyone!

Henry Adams Christmas Decoration Competition


Trip to Haslemere Book Shop

This afternoon Madame Phipps treated a group of children in Years 2-6 to a trip to the Haslemere Bookshop as a reward for their progress and enthusiasm for reading.  The children enjoyed learning all about the shop and then had fun presenting their favourite book to the rest of the group. They then had a chance to browse through all the books before leaving with a goodie bag. They'll be receiving certificates and book tokens next week so they can go back and  choose a new book. Thanks so much to the Haslemere Book Shop for a lovely afternoon.

Trip to Haslemere Book Shop


Odd Socks Day

We've been wearing our Odd Socks with pride today, as we celebrate Anti-Bullying Week.  This year's theme is Choose Respect and we're using it to respect and celebrate our differences.  Odd Socks Day is a brilliant reminder that we're all different and all special.  We held an Anti-Bullying assembly yesterday and are creating a display centred around kindness, respect and anti-bullying for outside the Wellbeing Room.  Thank you to the Anti-Bullying Alliance for all the work you do to remind us to always Odd Socks Day


Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day we held a special assembly where we observed two minutes silence to commemorate those who lost their lives in two world wars and other conflicts.  Year 3 also spent Forest School creating poppies as a special way to honour those who serve our country.  Aren't they beautiful?

Remembrance Day


Firework Party

What a brilliant Firework Party we had last night!  Thank you so much to our amazing parent body, FOSI, and all the other volunteers who made the night so much fun and run so smoothly.  A fantastic firework display from Frontier Fireworks and an incredible fire-throwing display from the Teasdale family.

Firework Party



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