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Year 3 Science

Year 3 pupils have been enjoying learning all about light and shadows.  In Science this week, they investigated how shadows change, conducting a complete investigation from predicting, to coming up with a method, collecting results and concluding.  They observed carefully and made sure they were being accurate with their measurements.  Well done Year 3!

Year 3 Science


Excellent Work in Art

Some excellent work coming out of the Art department this term.  Year 5 pupils have finished their wonderful clay tile landscapes taking inspiration from Wassily Kandinsky, focussing on colour and shape.  Year 4 has been studying Pop Art and produced some stunning graphic drawings of consumer products taking inspiration from Andy Warhol.  Great work everyone!

Excellent Work in Art


Parent Survey Feedback

We are delighted to have received wonderful feedback from our recent Parent Survey and are proud to share!

Parent Survey Feedback



It's been a busy start to term in the STEM department. Year 3 has been investigating structures and shapes.  Using only A4 pieces of paper, the children were challenged to create cylinders, cuboids and prisms and test which shape could hold the most books.  We found the cylinder to be the best and noticed it was even stronger when we used four together.  Year 4 pupils were tasked with making and sailing a paper boat.  At first, the children were unsure as they were only allowed to use one sheet of paper, but they soon put their creative hats on to begin to plan how to make the most out of their paper.  Year 5 has been working on Practical Action's 'Squashed Tomato' challenge which challenged them to develop their own solutions to a transportation problem facing farmers living in mountainous areas in Nepal.  There were very creative design solutions to this problem and no squashed tomatoes!



Forest School

In Forest School this week, Year 2 had the messy, but very important, job of making bird feeders out of lard and seeds to help look after the crows, blackbirds, robins and coal tits they've been spotting.  They were thrilled to hang them up and watch the birds eating from them!

Forest School


Kindness Club

Reception pupils are loving Kindness Club. In the first week they designed a group poster covered with kind words and this week they decorated rocks with pictures and messages which they have hidden around the school to spread joy to those who find them.  Well done Reception!

Kindness Club


St Ives Receives International School Award from the British Council

We are very proud to have attended the British Council's International School Award ceremony at Parliament yesterday where Kate Ewart-Biggs, Deputy Chief Executive of the British Council awarded Kay Goldsworthy, our Head, and Kerry Phipps, our Head of Modern Languages with our International School Award for our 'exceptional work in global education'.  Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon and thanks to Gregory Stafford MP for Farnham and Bordon for coming down and supporting us.

St Ives Receives International School Award from the British Council


Year 1 Science

Year 1 had an 'eggcellent' Science lesson, starting on their new topic 'Out of Eggs'.  The children looked very closely at the anatomy of an egg!  They studied the shell, using adjectives to describe it and then had a go at cracking the egg open, using microscopes to examine the inside, including the yolk and membrane. They then drew and labelled their findings noting how contrasting the hard exterior of the shell is to the gooey inside.  Great work Year 1!

Year 1 Science


Year 2 Computing

Year 2 had a wonderful Computing lesson this week composing musical patterns with a focus on the rhythm and pulse.  We particularly enjoyed experimenting with the effects of different instruments and then sharing our work with our friends.

Year 2 Computing


Pied Piper Theatre Company Visit

Thank you so much the Pied Piper Theatre Compnay for coming in and treating us to their performance of Town Mouse and Country Mouse yesterday.  Such a great productive croon, which the children found hilarious.

Pied Piper Theatre Company Visit



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