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Inter-house Cross Country Competition

Years 2-6 enjoyed a competitive afternoon of inter-house cross country yesterday.  The course is renounced for its killer hill and the recent rain has ensured our forest is suitably muddy to make the run a real challenge for everyone!  With house spirits high, the children gave it their all and the screaming of team support could be heard across the valley.  Excellent individual and team running from all year groups with the results as follows:

1st - Winchester (Blue)

2nd - Windsor (Red)

3rd - Canterbury (Yellow)

4th - Chichester (Green)

Inter-house Cross Country Competition


World Teachers Day

On World Teachers Day 2021, we want to thank our fantastic bunch of teachers for everything they do!  As so perfectly put by Malala Yousafzai - “Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.”

World Teachers Day


Guildford High School Cross Country Competition

Well done to this gutsy gang who ran Guildford High School’s cross country competition yesterday afternoon in the driving rain! Despite the cold, everyone ran really hard and Mrs Woodward is very proud of the teams’ positive attitude.  Not a single whinge or whine despite all getting drenched.  The giant cookies made it all worth it!  Thank you to Guildford High for a great competition.

Guildford High School Cross Country Competition


World Smile Day

It’s World Smile Day today and it was so easy to find lots of photos of smiley children, as St Ives is such a happy place.  Being kind and considerate to others is integral to everything we do here, but Miss Smith’s assembly this morning will be covering the background to World Smile Day and reminding everyone to “Do an act of kindness. Make one person SMILE”

World Smile Day


Nursery News

We’ve been learning all about houses in the Nursery this week.  We’ve talked about moving house, the different types of houses there are and counting windows and doors.  We’ve even built our own houses!

Nursery News


MacMillan Coffee Morning

We had a wonderful MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday as we welcomed parents back into the building after far too long.  Noise levels were at all all time high!  Thank you so much to everyone who supported us & helped us raise over £430 for this fantastic cause.

MacMillan Coffee Morning


Mrs Pearce, Barrister, Visits Reception Class

Thank you very much to St Ives parent, Mrs Pearce, who came in to see our Reception class today as part of our topic on ‘People Who Help Us’.  Mrs Pearce is a barrister and explained the justice system to the children and the role barristers play within it.  She also dressed up in the clothes she wears at work and let us try on her gown and feel her wig!  Thank you so much Mrs Pearce for a fascinating talk and for answering all the children’s questions so patiently.


Mrs Pearce, Barrister, Visits Reception Class


Reception Forest School

In Forest School, Reception enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to look closely at everything they could see.  They spotted dew drops on the grass, bark on the trees, the detail on lots of different leaves and minibeasts and even spotted a frog!  They loved exploring the forest this way!

Reception Forest School


Year 4 Science

Year 4 created amazing musical instruments as part of their sound topic in Science .  They each gave a presentation describing how they made their instruments, explaining the sound pathway, volume and pitch.  Great work Year 4!

Year 4 Science


Year 1 Visit Arundel Castle

Year 1 had a fantastic day visiting Arundel Castle yesterday.  They explored inside the castle and enjoyed a dragon hunt in the beautiful gardens.  A fantastic first trip of the year for Year 1!

Year 1 Visit Arundel Castle



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