Latest news


U8s Netball

A great photo of our U8 Netball teams after their two matches against Barfield School last Thursday, enjoying a win and a draw. A very determined group of netballers who are loving playing against other schools!

U8s Netball


World Mental Health Day

It’s World Mental Health Day today.  At St Ives we understand the importance of mental health and wellbeing.  We have a recently appointed Wellbeing Champion in Mrs Cooper who we describe as our Worry Box and Friendship Bench in human form.  She is always available to talk to the children who may be worrying or struggling with anything.  We also cover wellbeing as part of the curriculum in PSHE where children are taught about mindfullness, yoga and learning to recognise when to press pause and slow things down.

World Mental Health Day


Open Morning

We’re really looking forward to our Open Morning this Friday when we’ll be welcoming lots of prospective families to St Ives.  Slots are currently all full, but we have another Open Morning on Friday 12th November.  Please call Hayley Dibb, our Registrar, on 01428 643734 to book a space.

Open Morning


Year 1 Forest School

Year 1 braved the torrential rain in Forest School on Friday and created wonderful sculptures of woodland animals using natural materials found on the forest floor to celebrate World Animal Day .  Great work Year 1!

Year 1 Forest School


Inter-house Cross Country Competition

Years 2-6 enjoyed a competitive afternoon of inter-house cross country yesterday.  The course is renounced for its killer hill and the recent rain has ensured our forest is suitably muddy to make the run a real challenge for everyone!  With house spirits high, the children gave it their all and the screaming of team support could be heard across the valley.  Excellent individual and team running from all year groups with the results as follows:

1st - Winchester (Blue)

2nd - Windsor (Red)

3rd - Canterbury (Yellow)

4th - Chichester (Green)

Inter-house Cross Country Competition


World Teachers Day

On World Teachers Day 2021, we want to thank our fantastic bunch of teachers for everything they do!  As so perfectly put by Malala Yousafzai - “Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.”

World Teachers Day


Guildford High School Cross Country Competition

Well done to this gutsy gang who ran Guildford High School’s cross country competition yesterday afternoon in the driving rain! Despite the cold, everyone ran really hard and Mrs Woodward is very proud of the teams’ positive attitude.  Not a single whinge or whine despite all getting drenched.  The giant cookies made it all worth it!  Thank you to Guildford High for a great competition.

Guildford High School Cross Country Competition


World Smile Day

It’s World Smile Day today and it was so easy to find lots of photos of smiley children, as St Ives is such a happy place.  Being kind and considerate to others is integral to everything we do here, but Miss Smith’s assembly this morning will be covering the background to World Smile Day and reminding everyone to “Do an act of kindness. Make one person SMILE”

World Smile Day


Nursery News

We’ve been learning all about houses in the Nursery this week.  We’ve talked about moving house, the different types of houses there are and counting windows and doors.  We’ve even built our own houses!

Nursery News



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