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Milly and Penelope's Fundraising for Ukraine

Liza Askew / Categories: In the press

Milly and Penelope's Fundraising for Ukraine

Milly Duggin and Penelope Crane-Baker were moved into action after watching the news and learning about the war in Ukraine at school.  Knowing that the sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine, they decided to sell the seeds from the sunflowers growing in Penelope’s garden to friends at school and within the local community.  The girls sorted the seeds into homemade envelopes and distributed them around Haslemere and Grayshott in shops, cafes and doctor’s surgeries and at St Ives, selling them for £3 an envelope.  In the space of two weeks, the girls have raised just over £650 and have now sent the money off to the Disasters Emergency Committee.

St Ives School has also been involved with the Petworth Ukraine Appeal and asked its families to donate from a list of much needed items to be sent over to Ukraine.  The school’s families donated with huge generosity and the school filled two vans of supplies which are now on their way to Ukraine.

Kay Goldsworthy, Head Teacher at St Ives School, said “I am very proud of the way the school community has responded to the plight of the Ukrainians and the generosity they have shown.  I am especially proud of Milly and Penelope for using their initiative to come up with such a wonderful idea to raise much needed funds for the DEC Ukraine Appeal – not only have they raised over £650 but they have encouraged many local families to plant sunflowers in their gardens in solidarity with Ukraine.  They are a perfect example of responsible citizens which is exactly what we educate our pupils to be and I’m sure this fantastic initiative will inspire them to continue to help others throughout their school years and beyond.”

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