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A Right Royal Feast Was Served Up for Epiphany

Liza Askew / Categories: In the press

A Right Royal Feast Was Served Up for Epiphany

Haslemere Herald

At Epiphany, French tradition dictates that the Cake of Kings or ‘Galette des Rois’ is served.  However, Galette des Rois isn’t just an ordinary cake – inside each cake there is a small ceramic toy, and whoever finds the toy is King for the day.  To make this tradition authentic, the littlest person at the party needs to hide under the table whilst the cake is cut and they decide who gets which piece.  So, this is exactly what we did! 

Our wonderful Cook spent the morning baking lots of Galette des Rois and inserting little ceramic toys into each of them.  During lunch time, the youngest pupil at each table, sat underneath it and decided who got which piece.  Those lucky enough to find the ceramic toys in their piece of cake were allowed to wear a crown and was named King for the rest of the day.

Mrs Goldsworthy, Head Teacher of St Ives, said “This was such a fun way to involve the whole school in some French culture.  I particularly enjoyed seeing the little ones hiding under the table shouting who should get which piece of cake and then seeing the delight on the children’s faces as they discovered the toys.  It was a very noisy and chaotic lunch but lots of fun.  I suspect it’ll become a St Ives tradition too!”

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