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Book Swap

Thank you so much to our parent body (FOSI) for organising a brilliant book swap today. All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 went home with new books to read - a fantastic way to recycle and get everyone reading!

Book Swap


Shrove Tuesday

Lots of smiley faces at lunch today as we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with delicious pancakes. It’s quite apparent from the photos which topping was the favourite! Thank you Chef Fernando and the team for spoiling us all.

Shrove Tuesday


Spring Lambs Come to Visit Us!

A Show and Tell with a difference! Today one of our Year 4 pupils brought in some lambs that her family have adopted. The children had a wonderful time meeting, cuddling and feeding them. What a fabulous treat!

Spring Lambs Come to Visit Us!


Nursery Number Hunt

This week in Nursery we have been learning about numbers. We started the week by going on a number hunt around the school. We chatted about how we use numbers in our day-to-day life. The children made birthday cards for their toys using numbers to show how old they are. They also made birthday cakes with the playdough adding the correct number of candles. We looked at number books together and sang lots of number songs. When playing in the garden, we jumped in numbered hoops and went on a hunt to find different amounts of sticks or stones. Learning about numbers is great fun!

Nursery Number Hunt


IAPS Netball

Congratulations to these super stars who’ve just come third in the IAPS Netball competition at Framlingham Prep School in Suffolk. Fantastic teamwork throughout and excellent display of grit and determination. Well done girls. We’re so proud of you all!

IAPS Netball


Children's Mental Health Week

This week began with a whole school assembly for Children's Mental Health Week, led by our Wellbeing Champion, Mrs Cooper, who encouraged the children to think about how we all grow, both physically and emotionally.  The children were then asked to draw a support balloon and fill it with the names of everyone who supports them and add to it throughout the week. The children were also encouraged to see every knock back or failure as a learning opportunity, on which to build and improve until they eventually succeed.  These disciplines are already very familiar to our children, who have been working under the Building Learning Power Model for several years, in which Resilience, Relationships, Reflectiveness and Resourcefulness are taught in all disciplines.

Children’s Mental Health week ended with a ‘Dress to Express’ day, where the children could wear whatever they liked to express their unique personalities.  There was a huge array of different colours and themes on display.  Mrs Cooper even came to school dressed as a unicorn! 

Children's Mental Health Week


year 3 Assembly

This morning we enjoyed Year 3’s Class Assembly and were able to welcome in all their parents, which made it particularly special. The assembly was based around Valentine’s Day, with the children teaching us how to say “I love you” in many different languages. The children also talked about what it is they love about St Ives and the memories they’ve already made. They finished the assembly by giving their parents a rose!

year 3 Assembly


U9s Hockey Tournament

Last week our U9 girls took part in a Hockey tournament with Highfield and Brookham School, Farleigh School and Edgeborough School.

Playing on astro, the team worked so hard to match the ability of their competitors, but couldn’t quite finish off their scoring opportunities. In spite of three losses, the team did themselves proud and Mrs Woodward was over the moon with their performances. They worked hard, learnt so much and had a fantastic time.

U9s Hockey Tournament


Year 6 pupils Solve a Murder Mystery!

Last week, Year 6 put together all the forensic skills they’ve been learning in STEM this year to work out a crime scene. Someone had been murdered in the Science Lab at St Ives and it was down to the Year 6 pupils to find out who dunnit!

The children were split into 4 groups, each group working together to gather as much evidence as they could from the scene, including fingerprints, fibre traces, hair and even blood for blood group testing (thankfully, synthetic!), as well as a rogue earring! Each group was given 5 minutes to examine the crime scene before they headed out to interview key suspects. Many of the staff were questioned – it was most disconcerting! When the children had finished their enquiries, the groups regathered to consult each other and the Chief of Police, Miss Smith, before making their arrest. Two of the groups were convinced Mrs Owen had committed the crime, but the other two groups believed it was Senora Clutterbuck. On consultation and guidance from the Chief of Police, the evidence was conclusive that the perpetrator was Senora Clutterbuck. Needless to say, she spent the weekend in the St Ives County jail and was back teaching Spanish as usual at the start of this week!

Year 6 pupils Solve a Murder Mystery!


Speech and Drama Showcase

A huge well done to all the children in Years 2-6 who performed so well in their Speech and Drama Showcase. They were so confident and entertaining. Thank you to Katie Nicholls, our inspiring teacher who works so hard to get the best out of every pupil!

Speech and Drama Showcase



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