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St Ives School Is Swimming Its Way to the IAPS and ESSA National Swimming Finals


Swimming Captains Emily and Emma have qualified as individuals in the U11 50m and 25m Butterfly respectively.  This is an incredible achievement, with only the top twenty out of more than one hundred and fifty swimmers nationally, qualifying.  Our relay team has also qualified as one of the top small schools’ team, nationally.  The relay team is made up of Emma, Emily, Ella, Annabel, Poppy, Imogen, Livvy, Grace and Tamara.


In addition to this, our Year 6 swimmers recently qualified for the National Finals of the English Schools Swimming Association (ESSA) Primary Schools Relays to be held in Sheffield in June.  Having come third in the South East Regionals, and taking two seconds off their qualifying time, these girls rightly deserve their place in the finals. 


Kay Goldsworthy, Head Teacher, said “I am so proud of the whole team for working so hard.  This result is phenomenal.  We wish them all the best of luck for the finals in June”.

St Ives School Is Swimming Its Way to the IAPS and ESSA National Swimming Finals


Pupils at St Ives School in Haslemere have been enjoying a three-day Wizard of Oz Themed Maths Festival this week.


The festival started with an opening assembly with all the children arriving at school dressed up as their favourite Wizard of Oz character.  Everyone made a huge effort and there were so many variations on the Dorothies, the Lions, the Scarecrows, the Tin Men as well as Wicked Witches of the West!

For the next three days the children were tasked with various maths themed activities from a ruby slippers investigation, to junk modelling, to an inter-house Maths quiz, to learning how to play bridge, to a speed stacking challenge, as well as a baking extravaganza where the children had to design, bake, decorate and design packaging for Wizard of Oz themed biscuits.

The children also brought in their favourite board games for everyone to enjoy and were then set the challenge of creating a new board game which they had to present at a closing assembly.  All the pupils benefitted from three days of full Maths immersion.   

Kay Goldsworthy, Head Teacher at St Ives, said “Our first Maths Festival has been a huge success.  It has allowed us to really bring Maths to life and show the pupils how important it is in our daily lives and not just in the classroom.”

Pupils at St Ives School in Haslemere have been enjoying a three-day Wizard of Oz Themed Maths Festival this week.


Sponsored Silence for Motor Neurone Disease Association

It's all been very quiet here today as the pupils have been raising funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association by holding a sponsored silence. Pupils raised a whopping £3,007!! Thank you to the O'Donnells for the idea and to @mndassoc for their brilliant work.

Sponsored Silence for Motor Neurone Disease Association


Year 6 leavers give us a new beautiful bench for the playground

Thanks so much to our Year 6 pupils and their families for giving us a beautiful bench as their leaving present. St Ives pupils will enjoy using it for years to come. We'll miss you when you leave at the end of term and please come back and visit!

Year 6 leavers give us a new beautiful bench for the playground


New Outdoor Classroom Opening

Thanks very much to Cllr. Pat Blades, Deputy Mayor of Haslemere, for coming to open our new outdoor classroom today and thanks too to the parents of St Ives for raising the funds to buy and build it. The children are so lucky!

New Outdoor Classroom Opening


Pre-prep Art Competition Exhibition

Thank you to all the schools who took part in our Pre-Prep Spring art competition. We loved receiving your work and then displaying it at the exhibition last night. It looked fantastic!  We really enjoyed meeting those of you who came along and congratulations to the winners.

Pre-prep Art Competition Exhibition


Introducing Our New Outdoor Classroom

We are so delighted to have a new outdoor classroom.  Thank you so much to our wonderful parent body FOSI (Friends of St Ives) for their outstanding efforts in raising funds for this fantastic addition to our school. It is already coming into great use!

Introducing Our New Outdoor Classroom


New Habitat Zone

A huge thank you to Mrs Butterfield and her family who spent Good Friday building us a fantastic habitat zone. We now have two wildlife hotels, two bee hotels and a look out platform. The children are already loving having them and Year 5 were delighted to spot several mice in there yesterday! 

New Habitat Zone


St George's Day Celebrations in Haslemere

Year 6 pupils enjoyed celebrating St George's Day in Haslemere by joining St George, the dragon, the damsel and her handmaiden for a short ceremony at the war memorial.  A wreath of roses was laid for St George's Day and the flag of St George was raised and then lowered to half mast as a sign of respect for those who lost their lives in the Sri Lankan bombings.

St George's Day Celebrations in Haslemere



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