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First Forest School of the Year

Years 1 and 2 enjoyed their first morning of Forest School with a scavenger hunt in the top forest. What a great start to the year!

First Forest School of the Year


Mums and Daughters Tennis Tournament

A fantastic afternoon of tennis in our Mums Vs girls tennis tournament. Participants played doubles, Queen of the Court and Champion of Champions with the overall winners being the girls! Everyone had great fun.

Mums and Daughters Tennis Tournament


Summer Fair at St Ives

The soggy weather couldn't dampen our spirits at our fantastic annual Summer Fair! Everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you so much to the Friends of St Ives (FOSI) for all their hard work, all the stall holders who came long and all the visitors who braved the weather.

Summer Fair at St Ives


Market Day at St Ives

Well done Year 6 on your wonderful stalls at Market Day. It's clear you put a huge amount of work into planning your stalls, from your products, presentation, merchandising, branding, promotion and customer service. Let's hope you've raised lots of money for your charities.

Market Day at St Ives


Raising Money for the Book Trust on Pyjamarama Day

Hoorah for being allowed to wear pyjamas to school today to show support for Pyjamarama and raise money for the Booktrust to ensure every child has access to books and can enjoy stories as much as we do. A wonderful morning of story telling, book swapping and fund raising.

Raising Money for the Book Trust on Pyjamarama Day



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