In the Press


Morning at Quick Zip

A brilliant morning at Quick Zip!  Squeals of delight could be heard echoing through the woods as Year 3 and 4 flew through the air!  Not missing out on the fun...the teachers simply had to have a go too!

Morning at Quick Zip


Blists Hill Victorian Town

Years 5 and 6 have had a lovely sunny day at Blists Hill Victorian Town today, learning how to make Victorian bricks and candles.  They loved exploring this old Victorian town and buying items using old money.

Blists Hill Victorian Town


Residential for Years 3 and 4

Now it's the turn of Years 3 and 4 to enjoy a residential trip.  These pupils have just arrived in the Isle of Wight in glorious sunshine!  Have a wonderful time kids, it's very quiet at school without you all!  

Residential for Years 3 and 4


U8 and U9 Swimming

Today our U8 and U9 swimmers headed to St Edmunds School for a Swimming Gala. The children swam Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke, plus relays.  St Ives stepped up and swam some fabulous races to secure a close win.  Well done team!

U8 and U9 Swimming


Field Work in Welshpool

Today the children spent the morning in Welshpool, learning about Welsh crafts with two local professional crafters.  They then carried out some fieldwork in Welshpool High Street.  A really fun and productive morning!

Field Work in Welshpool


Geography Trip.... or was it?!

Year 4 had a taster of running a pizza restaurant on Wednesday when they visited Guido’s Pizzeria in Liphook as part of their Pizza topic on Geography.  The children learnt about the origins of pizza and how to run a pizza business.  They then put their pizza making skills to the test by moulding the base and adding their perfect pizza topping combinations .  After the pizzas came out of the oven, everyone really enjoyed eating them.  They were delicious!

Geography Trip.... or was it?!


Sports Day Practise

In the glorious sunshine during PE today, Year 2 got down to the serious business of Sports Day practise. The skills involved in the egg & spoon race,, the sack race & the three-legged race especially are not to be underestimated. Scattered amongst moments of intense concentration, were many giggles! Everyone is getting very excited.

Sports Day Practise


Litter Picking in Haslemere

After being given some litter pickers by FOSI (our parent body) last term, the Eco-Monitors were keen to put them to good use, so they decided to help the local community by clearing the area around Lion Green.  The Eco Monitors quickly filled bin bags with a range of items.  The children were impressed with how better the areas looked after their efforts and commented how good it felt to have made such a difference.  Well done, Eco Monitors!

Litter Picking in Haslemere


Forest School

The children had a great morning back in the forest on Friday and loved exploring.  All year groups incorporated different skills in their forest school lessons - creativity and art, technology and listening and navigating.  Well done everyone!

Forest School



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