In the Press


Dad's Breakfast

What better way to start the day than bringing your Dad to school for breakfast?  Lovely to see our pupils and their Dads enjoying bacon butties, croissants and pains au chocolat together at our annual Dad's Breakfast, before having the chance to look around classrooms, meet teachers and see the children's work.  Thanks so much to our parents for coming.  The children love having you here!

Dad's Breakfast


MacMillan Coffee Morning

A very successful and busy coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer on Friday.  We raised over £700!  Thank you so much to everyone who attended, baked and ate.  Thank you to Mrs Greatbatch for organising and to our Year 6 for being great helpers.

MacMillan Coffee Morning


3-Day Careers Festival

Great to see such varied career choices during our Careers Festival as the children dressed up as the profession they aspire to do when they're older. Our 3-day Festival has given the children a wonderful insight into the world of work and possible future career paths.

3-Day Careers Festival


Children Enjoy Media Workshop

Lucky kids in Years 3-6 who were treated to an outstanding media workshop at The Royal School today. There were 3 different workshops for them - a podcast workshop, a TV green screen studio workshop and a TV development workshop.  The children used the green screen to see themselves in a variety of settings, they developed ideas for a new family television show and they used the equipment to learn how to present a podcast.  A brilliant afternoon.

Children Enjoy Media Workshop


Pre-Prep Trip to Little Street

What fun we had at Little Street yesterday!  We loved the themed rooms and how we could pretend we were hairdressers, builders, actors, firefighters, waiters and policemen.  An excellent start to our 3-day careers festival.

Pre-Prep Trip to Little Street


Year 1 Trip to Arundel Castle

Year 1 kicked off their topic ‘Castles, Queens & Knights’ with a visit to Arundel Castle this week. The children were amazed at the impressive sight as we arrived & were full of questions. They enjoyed a dress up activity & learning all about the Battle of Hastings before exploring the different parts of the castle. They were very brave climbing up the steep, spiral staircases & were fantastic ambassadors for the school too!

Year 1 Trip to Arundel Castle


Year 6 Science

A glimpse of Year 6 revising the topic of digestion.  They simulated food being broken down by the tongue and teeth, with the addition of saliva, then passing down the oesophagus.  They then simulated the food being churned in the stomach, with stomach acids being added.  Next they added bile before passing the food down the small intestine, absorbing nutrients into the body and finally into the large intestine where it was stored before going to the toilet.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the process, but loved protesting their disgust at the messy process!

Year 6 Science


Colourscape Music Festival

A school trip with a difference!  On Monday, Years 4 and 5 visited Colourscape Music Festival on Clapham Common.  Colourscape is a very large labyrinth of colour and light, a sculpture of pure colour that the children walk around inside.  We all put on a coloured cape to become part of the colour experience to explore the incredible changes.  The visit was divided into two parts - the first was a talk from an Artist about the illusions and mixing of colours and the second was a composer and musician demonstrating sound using Tibetan Singing Bowls with interactive demonstrations.  The children threw themselves into everything with gusto, which made for a really memorable trip!

Colourscape Music Festival


Reception Children Off to a Great Start!

The children in Reception have loved showing us their "All About Me" boxes which they collated over the Summer holidays.  They've shared information on their families, their pets, their holidays, their toys and their favourite animals.  It has been a wonderful way for us all get to know each other quickly and has helped the children settle in so easily.  Well done Reception!

Reception Children Off to a Great Start!


Eco Schools Green Flag Award With Distinction

We're delighted to have received our Eco Schools Green Flag Award with Distinction once again! The judges praised our Eco Strategy in many ways, noting 'Pupils in your school are clearly very passionate about environmental issues & willing to go above & beyond to create positive impacts in their local community & beyond'. Thank you so much to last year's Eco Committee for working so hard throughout the year to ensure the Eco strategy was upheld & involved all of our pupils. We will be selecting our new Eco Committee in the next couple of weeks & look forward to maintaining the high standards this committee has set.

Eco Schools Green Flag Award With Distinction



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