In the Press


Reception Music

Clever Mrs Maxwell taking advantage of the few minutes of sun we’ve had this week to take Reception on a ‘sounds’ walk in Music. The children noticed the sounds of an aeroplane, birds, cars, Year 4 playing Hockey and an engine. They then came back inside where Mrs Maxwell played her bird sound with one of her percussion instruments, which the children loved.

Reception Music


La Galette des Rois

Great fun at lunch today as we celebrated the French tradition of marking the end of the festive season by eating the Galette des Rois (King’s cake). Each cake has a charm hidden inside it and the youngest pupil on each table had to hide under the table and call out to the person cutting the cake who should receive which piece (all in French, of course!). Whoever found the charm in their piece of cake named their king or queen, who in turn wore a crown for the rest of the day. Everyone had great fun, even though some of the youngest pupils were a little surprised to be hanging out under the dining room tables!

La Galette des Rois


Year 2 English

In English Year 2 are learning about commands and instructions. The children wrote commands for each other today, which resulted in some rather interesting actions around the classroom! What fun!

Year 2 English


New Chrome Books

Year 5 spent their first Computing lesson of the term learning how to use our fabulous new Chromebooks. Thank you so much to FOSI (our parent body) for raising the funds to buy them - they’ll be invaluable for the children’s learning in all subjects.

New Chrome Books


Reindeer Run in Aid of Phyllis Tuckwell

The term ended with a Christmas run in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell in which the whole school participated, bringing in their own Christmas headgear to be more environmentally friendly. We managed to capture this shot of our Pre-Prep angels 😇. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and a well-deserved break. We can’t wait to see you in 2023!

Reindeer Run in Aid of Phyllis Tuckwell


Year 1's Christmas Advent Calendar

Miss Green has treated Year 1 to a wonderful book advent calendar. Every day throughout December the children have taken it in turns to unwrap a present from around their little Christmas tree. Each present contains a book, which is then read out to the class as a special treat. Thank you Miss Green for this lovely idea!

Year 1's Christmas Advent Calendar


Year 5 Art

Year 5 have enjoyed learning a new technique with chalks this week and created their own Northern Lights creations. They have been learning about saturated colour inspired by the light up trails at Cowdray and taken inspiration from Jules de Balincourt’s work on his trees and branches. The colours they have created just ‘pop’ and they have produced some stunning work! Well done Year 5!

Year 5 Art


Year 6 Science

Year 6 explored how to change the density of water by adding salt to make a saturated solution. They investigated making a coloured tower of water from salt and fresh water to show the different densities.

Year 6 Science


Carols Around the Tree

We’re all feeling so Christmassy now, having worn our Christmas jumpers all day, sung carols around the tree and enjoyed our Christmas lunch. Thank you so much to Chef Fernando and the team - it was delicious! Two more days to go, with a lot more Christmas fun to come!

Carols Around the Tree


Nursery Christmas Party

Our Nursery children had a wonderful Christmas Party this morning, playing lots of traditional games, such as pass the parcel, musical bumps and musical statues. Their firm favourite, however, was making balloons jump on the parachute. Their laughter and screams could be heard over the valley!

Nursery Christmas Party



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