
Science at St Ives is given a generous weekly timetable allocation allowing the time to cover the curriculum at great depth.

Between Years 3 and 6, pupils are taught by a specialist subject teacher and in a well-equipped laboratory. Prior to Year 3 Science is taught through a topic approach, along with the humanities.

Through our teaching of Science we aim to retain and develop the children’s natural sense of curiosity about the world around them. We build up a body of scientific knowledge and understanding, primarily through hands-on investigating. Through this approach the children develop a good understanding of ‘scientific method’. They learn to ask questions, make predictions, design fair and controlled investigations, observe carefully, collect reliable results and learn how to draw meaningful conclusions through critical reasoning and the evaluation of evidence.

St Ives children leave our school with a love of Science, a thirst for knowledge and a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.

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