British Council
International School Award 2024-2027 

We are delighted to have been granted the International School Award 2024-2027 by the British Council.  This prestigious award is given to schools who prove a ‘dedication to integrating a diverse and imaginative array of international initiatives within their curriculum’.

If we consider the international activities we have led over the last year alone, it is clear to see how deserving of this award we are.  Our Languages curriculum, which is already extensive (covering activities such as pupils having pen pals and festival projects with our French partner school in Nantes, a French breakfast hosted by Year 2, a French theatre group visit, a Spanish festival, a grandparents’ concert where pupils sang French and Spanish songs, as well as a French Reading Challenge for children in Years 5-6) is only part of our commitment to international learning. 
Activities exploring the wider world are covered in all areas of the curriculum.  In RE, we study the major world religions in detail.  In PSHE, we look at race and racial bias.  In Philosophy, we learn about the Ancient Greek philosophers of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, as well as international philosophers such as Descartes and de Beauvoir.  International studies in Geography and History lessons include studying The Quecha people in Peru, rivers, mountains, countries and capitals, Power Empire and Democracy from India and South Africa.  In Music, we celebrate composers, musicians, songs, styles and instruments from around the globe.  In Art, we’ve taken part in a project called Brushstrokes of Change, working alongside an Italian author focusing on global issues.  Year 2 Topic work covers international human rights, inequality, justice, poverty, education and hunger around the world.  Clubs we’ve run include ‘Around Europe in 80 Days’.  Our environmental curriculum helps pupils understand climate change in detail, which links to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 Responsible Consumption & Production, Goal 13 Climate Action, Goal 15 Life on Land.  Our menus consist of cuisine from all around the world and we celebrate significant dates in the calendar through food, like Chinese New Year. And so the list goes on.
The Chief Executive of the British Council, Scott McDonald, said: St Ives ‘has earned this prestigious award through its inspirational international work and links with schools abroad. The International School Award ....... recognises schools for their important work in bringing the world into their classrooms. By embedding an international dimension in children’s education, these schools are preparing their students for successful lives in the UK or further afield, empowering them to be global citizens, and are creating vital opportunities in an increasingly global economy.’
I have always said that a well-rounded education is only complete if pupils understand their place in the world and their responsibility to be a decent citizen, so to have this ambition for St Ives’ children recognised by the British Council is something to celebrate indeed and I couldn’t be prouder.
I’d like to say a huge thank you to my dedicated team who go above and beyond to bring our exciting curriculum to life each and every day, with a very special thanks to Madame Kerry Phipps for putting together our award entry, which was no easy feat.  Thank you too to those parents who supported Kerry’s application and to our partner school in France, Collège Jean Monnet.  And, as always, the biggest thank you to our pupils who demonstrate their love of learning by throwing themselves into all our international activities with energy and gusto!

Kay Goldsworthy

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